The Plan of God reveals God’s provision for your salvation, His purpose for your existence after salvation, and the treasures He has waiting for your eternal future in heaven. The moment you believe in Christ you immediately share His life and destiny. But for you to attain the wonderful peace, happiness, and contentment God has planned for your life on earth, you must learn Bible doctrine and grow to spiritual maturity. The Bible communicates God’s Word to you so absolute truth becomes the measure of your conscience, the source of your thinking, and the motivation of your life.
Empowered by the Holy Spirit and armed with Bible doctrine you can fulfill your destiny to glorify God. You can receive the highest and best He has prepared for you. Your consistent spiritual growth from Bible doctrine in your soul creates capacity for life, for love, for Christian service, for blessing, for happiness.
God has devised the design of the ages, the perfect plan for you personally. All you have to do is understand His gracious offer and seize the incomparable opportunity for a life of meaning, purpose, and definition.
This title is also available:
- On the Audiobook Collection on MP3 CD Spiritual Logistics II
- On the Audiobook Collection on MP3 CD Basic Books
- Online (PDF file)
- In Spanish
© 2003, 2nd impression 2014